Sunday, November 27, 2011

Black Friday: What they're saying on Twitter

By staff

While millions flocked to U.S. retailers for Black Friday deals, others preferred to take potshots from the sidelines on Twitter.

@SirWilfridL ? a tweeter adopting the persona of Wilfrid Laurier, prime minister of Canada in the early 20th century ? was appalled by what he or she saw from north of the border:

Jill Tracy, a San Francisco performance artist and composer, went further:

Jeff McKinney, a fitness trainer in Austin, Texas, homed in on the apparent contradiction inherent in the retail frenzy:

Speaking of funny, comedians couldn't resist.

Baratunde Thurston, digital director of the satirical publication The Onion, noticed that an awful lot of the day's violent incidents were taking place at Wal-Mart stores:

And Eugene Mirman, a comedian who often appears on "Flight of the Conchords," had this idea:


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