Thursday, April 12, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 10 April 2012

LHC smashes particle collision record

The Large Hadron Collider has woken from hibernation with a bang, increasing its chances of finding a range of elusive particles including the Higgs boson

Political divides begin in the brain

Differences in political belief seem to have some basis in biology, which could promote tolerance on both sides, but probably won't, warns Chris Mooney

Can primates shed light on the roots of romance?

Games Primates Play is a partially successful attempt to show how primate behaviour can inform our understanding of humans

Planet-hunter Geoff Marcy's favourite alien worlds

The man who found 70 of the first 100 exoplanets told New Scientist which ones he likes best - and we show you what they might look like

How to build an artificial star on Earth

The vast undertaking that is ITER - a reactor that promises to set humanity on a path toward limitless energy through nuclear fusion - is finally taking shape

Immune retune: Recharging your body's natural defences

Forget immune boosters - New Scientist explores the diet and lifestyle tips that promise to keep your system revved up and raring to fight infection

What made that bang? Six mystery blasts

From a suspicious sinking to an astronomical apocalypse, fear meets wonder in our gallery of unexplained explosions

Tweet your own highlight reel with #EpicPlay

Sports fans who tweet while watching the game could help create more exciting highlights than those compiled by professional broadcasters

Taking time off can help you learn a language

People who learned a new language, then didn't speak it for five months, had brain activity more like a native speaker after the break than before it

Ladybirds think like an aphid to catch a meal

It's a first - seven-spotted ladybirds gauge which plants are choicest to their aphid prey and move onto them to increase chances of grabbing a juicy meal

Marathon mouse space mission boosts bone protection

After the longest mission ever by an animal, a group of mice have shown how a genetic treatment can prevent the breakdown of bone in space

Tides turn some habitable planets hellish

Planets in the Goldilocks zone around many small stars would be heated up so much by the stars' gravitational tugs that their water would evaporate

Feedback: Historic stardom of number 42

A potted history of 42, the balloon burglar, when off means almost on, and more...

Galactic laser light show might lead us to aliens

Geoff Marcy is a prolific planet hunter, but now he's turning his gaze to alien civilisations. He hopes they may be criss-crossing space with laser beams

X-ray hazard for people with obesity

Increased radiation during CT scans of people with obesity slightly raises cancer risk

Early asteroids blinged up by meteorite impacts

Planets and moons weren't the only cosmic objects to get splattered with gold early on in the solar system's history

Drug-smuggling nanoparticles target tumours

First clinical trial of a cancer drug couriered by nanonparticles reduces size of tumours and delivers payload only where it is needed

No sweat for Bolt to break record, says mathematician

Given a faster start, a brisk tailwind and thinner atmosphere, Bolt could cut his time to 9.45 seconds without extra fitness

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