Friday, March 9, 2012

Internet Marketing and Search Engine Marketing

Internet marketing is of recent origin but since its inception it has become significantly popular among the customers. Internet marketing means the marketing of the products and services over the internet. It is also popularly referred to as web marketing, i- marketing, online marketing and e marketing. Internet marketing methods comprises of search engine marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing, display advertising and social media marketing such as blog marketing.

Internet marketing?s main aim is to bring business for a company and hence lead to the revenue generation. The scenario can be explained by quoting an example: Suppose a company has launched a website for the kids, in which it has a cataloged which display kids toys, dresses, food products, footwear etc . Since the website has been launched recently the main aim of internet marketer would be to promote the site and make its presence conspicuous in the world of internet so that hundreds and thousands of visitors visit the site and see the online products.

For this the foremost strategy for SEO would be to do the keywords analysis. The proper keywords have to be selected so that the search engines like Google, Yahoo can pick up the site easily and more often. Another option would be through advertisement on social networking sites. The blogs posted on face book and orkut also brings brand recognition.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is another technique of promoting a website. The website is optimized with popular keywords thus improving the position of a website on a search engine. Earlier the site appears on the search engines the hits by the visitors would be more. SEO target different kinds of search such as image search, local search and vertical search.

Article marketing is also one of the most effective internet marketing strategy. This could also be clubbed with SEO as with one or more popular keywords the content can be written and can optimize or submit articles on to other article directories and thus helps in building links.

Search engine marketing, or SEM, is a form of Internet marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERP) through the use of paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion. The largest SEM vendors are Google ad words, Yahoo! Search Marketing and Microsoft ad center.

Internet marketing and Search engine marketing are in a way interdependent as both in a way help in promotion of websites. To summarize we can say that along with the aesthetic beauty of a website the internet marketing and its strategies play a handsome role in revenue generation.

If you are looking for a e-commerce, website design company that can really help your business. I would really give these guys a go, they have over 10 years experience in SEO and I found them extremely helpful.


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