Thursday, March 29, 2012

Primal Faith Religions

In a nut shell, Primal Faith traditions are religions that have been in existence since the beginning of recorded history.? They are considered to be both pre-historic and pre-literate.? Primal, Indigenous, and traditional religions are terminologies that are used when referring to Primal Faiths.? These religions are the initial sources of human religion.? Primal religion is also referred to as the "mother" of all religions.? An integral part of primal religions are symbols and myths.? Due to the fact that these groups of religions are extremely old in age, most will not be exercised in faith today however, some aspects of the ancient faiths may still exist as rituals or specific beliefs in other practiced religions such as Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, and Chinese folk religion.?

The initial problem with global religious conversion was a lack of planning however, as time progressed selected primal faiths began to transform global politics towards their way of life.? As these selected religions began their domination process, others were simply forgotten.? Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism were among the top three dominating religions.? Today Christianity and Islam are still the two top religions of the world at 33% and 21% respectively.? Christianity denominations are as follows: Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Pentecostal, Anglican, Monophysite, AIC's, Latter Day Saints, Evangelical, SDA's, Jehovah's Witness, Quakers, AOG, Nominal, etc?? Islam denominations are as follows: Shiite, Sunni, etc?? Although "Pagan" and "Idolators" were the titles that were used to refer to as Christians and Islamic faiths respectively, these titles are extremely negative in nature.? As this dissertation is written not to offend any religious beliefs, the negative titles used above are as an academic piece of information.? If in fact any person is offended by these documented reference terms, I sincerely apologize.?

The characteristics of primal Faith are as follows:

  • Oral canon, a section of oral stories of sacred nature, not written.? Oral stories have a unique way of making a story come to life however text has a way of preserving exact information and descriptive phrases.
  • A very wavy line between the spiritual and secular dimensions.
  • A pre-technology world base religious system.
  • Religions that deal with all aspects of life, nature and spirituality.
  • Life consists of two divisions, work and social.? Work and social were not considered to be opposite sides, but two items of the same concept, life.? Practicing religion was considered to be a part of life, not a separate part of life.? One practices religion the same as one breathes, every moment and without thinking.
  • Primal faiths acquired the characteristic of "eternity", not, "forever".? Forever deals with the sense of time.? Time carries with it the concept of having to "keep track" of something.? Eternity however doesn't require a watch or calendar.? It simply is timeless existence.?
  • Rituals have two characteristics: 1. Play acting or performing concepts of a specific faith or religion.? 2. The ritual carries substantial significance for the faith or religion.
  • Two concepts, harmony and balance are what make up a well achieved life and all items that interfere with this harmony must be dealt with swiftly.
  • Primal religions both have multiple Gods and believe that God and humans work together to create a well-balanced life.? Christianity however believes that there is only one God and God is above us all.
  • Magic is utilized in Primal Faiths or religions.

The afterlife of a human of a Primal faith is unique.? The body of a dead individual is thought to have gone limp due to the absence of the spirit.? The spirit has thought to have gone to the invisible world where only spirits may enter. ?Due to the method of beliefs and ritual passing (orally), the "story teller" may see to it to add, alter, or delete any information or tell the "story" in a unique flamboyant style.?

Primal Indigenous

The Primal Indigenous religions (also known as Tribal Religionists, Animists, and Ethnic religionists) are a way of life, not only a religion and it includes thousands of various religions as well.? It concerns the lives of approximately 300 million individuals within the locations of Asia and Africa.? Other sources have the religions population at between 100 and 457 million.? These totals include African Primal Indigenous religions, Shamanism and Paganism.? Many data bases and religious category indexes have Asia and India having the majority of Primal Indigenous population.? The Primal Indigenous religions are recorded as to fit into one category due to being documented in the pre-literate and pre-technological era.? They have been discovered to have been in various different countries, continents, and areas however they share similar basic common ways of life and religious concepts.? As previously stated, religion is their way of life.?

Primal Indigenous religions are known as being henotheistic (acknowledging the belief of more than one God however, only worshiping one God).? Everything that exists is thought to be connected, the material world, the immaterial world, the living, and the dead.? As Primal Faith members have no distinction and combine their work and social lives, so do Primal Indigenous religions.? They carry various superficial differences however, they practice mirrored core beliefs.

Again, as Primal Faith dates their beliefs and rituals to pre-literate, so do the Primal Indigenous.? Their beliefs and rituals are passed down through stories told by its members from generations through time.? These stories covered areas such as world views and operations, societal discoveries and workings, and of course their religious workings, having no separation from their daily life.?

Throughout my research I have come across the same messages countless times.? The messages are as follows:

  1. Their social, family and religious lives are all the same to the Primal Indigenous and Faith individuals.
  2. The basic core beliefs are the same regardless of territory, country, continent, or area.
  3. The physical and spiritual worlds are one and the same.
  4. Time is not linear, but timeless and eternal.
  5. Beliefs and traditions are known through myths passed down in an oral fashion as well as all other messages throughout the Primal faiths.


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