Monday, March 12, 2012

What You Should Know About The Dangers Of A Detox Diet | New ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

The detox diet is really a weight loss regimen wherein the person who wishes to shed several pounds is programmed to drink plenty of liquid and eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, all in lieu of solid foods. Due to its dramatic effects, this diet plan has become well-known in the field of weight loss.

Most people who?ve tried this course of therapy have reported significant changes in their body in just a few days. However, despite its popularity, some healthcare professionals have suggested that detox diet plan ought to be avoided, if possible.

Critics believe that detox therapy is really a very extreme diet which might result in serious side effects, if not correctly performed. They say that the mechanics of the detox diet plan was not based on scientific facts, and at the most, they?re known as ?junk science.? Dietitians believe that this diet offers a temporary change in an individual?s weight, however the effects won?t last that long.

The detox diet plan is believed to be an answer to the fact that our body ought to be protected from toxins which might be harmful to our health. This belief is contradicted by some dietitians and medical practitioners. Most of them think that the body is currently equipped with internal systems that may shield itself from dangerous toxins ? these are the body?s liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tracts.

The effects of the diet plan might be seen even after a few days into the therapy; however the body will soon gain weight with just exactly the same brief quantity of time. The short duration of the effects of the strict diet plan, as numerous experts think, might not be worth all of the hardships.

Practitioners of this diet often felt extremely irritable and they experienced serious headaches. Perhaps, it was in their second or other succeeding attempts that they have experienced the euphoria that the diet lets the individuals feel. Dietitians clarify this ecstatic feeling as the body?s coping mechanism against starvation.

In summary, most dietitians and healthcare providers think that going through a detox diet plan is a tough decision that one must reflect on before really making it. A great deal of things are to be considered, and also the most significant of these considerations is his well being. No one should risk putting his health into danger just to slim down in the shortest possible time.

Extreme diets, like the detox diet plan, ought to be the last choice for there are other healthier options to select from.

The author is a freelance writer who has many interests and writes about many things. His new site is about 31 day fat loss cure ebook. To learn more about it, go here.

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